Try IntelliWebSearch Again!

We have all done it, right? Downloaded the trial version of a software tool we are interested in, and then not had time to look at it. Perhaps a rush job comes in, or a family emergency, or maybe we just plain forget about it. Then when you finally get round to giving the tool a test spin, you find the trial period has already expired. Nothing you can do about it, is there? Well there is now: IntelliWebsearch has reset all expired trial periods (prior to the date of this post), so you can try it again. Make sure you download and install the latest version, and let’s hope a rush job does not interrupt you again… or maybe let’s hope it does 🙂
PS: if you get an Invalid activation code message, just delete the activation code displayed (leave the code box blank) and click Activate. If you get a Your trial period has expired message, please write.