In the Press

Read what the press says…

IntelliWebSearch: A Configurable Search Tool for Translators
by Naomi J. Sutcliffe de Moraes in the “American Translators Association Chronicle“, July 2008 issue.
By kind permission of the author and ATA.

Translators and their favorite freeware
by the International Federation of Translators Translation Technology Committee, p. 5, early 2011.

Translation Tool: IntelliWebSearch
by Samuel Pinson in his Pinson Linguistic Services Blog, June 2011.

Term searching for translators – IntelliWebSearch
by David Turnbull in his Legally Speaking Blog, July 2011.

Solving Terminology Problems More Quickly: IntelliWebSearch
Poster exhibited at the XXth FIT World Congress, Berlin 2014.
By kind permission of the German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ).

Solving Terminology Problems More Quickly: IntelliWebSearch
Offprint from the Proceedings of the XXth FIT World Congress, Berlin 2014.
By kind permission of the German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ).

Testé pour vous / IntelliWebSearch
by Fernando Campos Leza in “aae-esit / le bulletin – été 2008”.
By kind permission of the author and the AAE-ESIT.

by Elisabeth John in Ü wie Übersetzen, June 2011.

Turborecherche mit und IntelliWebSearch
by Elisabeth John in Infoblatt, the ADÜ Nord (Associated Interpreters and Translators in North Germany) bulletin, April 2013 (02/2013, p. 5).

Az IntelliWebSearch testreszabása
by Tibor Környei on the Association of Hungarian Translation Companies website, December 2007.

IntelliWebSearch: fino a 50 ricerche contemporanee su dizionari online e locali
IntelliWebSearch: come personalizzare le fonti di ricerca predefinite
by Stefano KaliFire in Tra di noi: Il blog ufficiale dei Liberi Professionisti Traduttori, December 2009.

IntelliWebSearch: come aggiungere una nuova fonte di ricerca online
by Stefano KaliFire in Tra di noi: Il blog ufficiale dei Liberi Professionisti Traduttori, January 2010.

IntelliWebSearch: buscar información con sólo mover un dedo… (bueno, tres 🙂
by Laura in her Blog sobre Tecnologías de la Traducción, November 2008.

IntelliWebSearch: búsquedas más rápidas
by Fernando Campos Leza in Panace@, June 2009 issue (Vol. 10 N° 29, p. 80-84).
By kind permission of the author and Tremédica.

by Jaime González-Capitel in La Linterna del Traductor, número 1, July 2009.

Búsquedas inteligentes en Internet (p. 20)
IntelliWebSearch: un programa que ahorra tiempo / Entrevista a Michael Farrell
(p. 21)
by the Comisión de Recursos Tecnológicos in the Revista del Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, September-October 2009 edition.
Estos dos artículos contienen algunas imprecisiones:
Pagina 20 – IntelliWebSearch no es de código abierto, aunque es gratuito.
Pagina 21 – No dije 
«como consecuencia de esto, no me parece que los motores de búsqueda sean útiles para los traductores», sino «como consecuencia de esto, no me parece que los motores de búsqueda basados en lenguaje natural sean útiles para los traductores».

IntelliWebSearch: búsquedas más rápidas
by Fernando Campos Leza in the Boletín Institucional del Colegio de Traductores e Intérpretes de Chile, June 2010 issue (N° 16, p. 26-39).
(Reprint of the article that appeared in Panace@ – see above.)

Pautas de Investigación Terminológica para Futuros Traductores
by Patricia García Ces, September 2010 (p.10).

IntelliWebSearch 101
by José Carlos Gil in Con el calco en los talones, February 2011.

by alornu in blog TicTrad, June 2011.