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  1. Make sure the settings you want to contribute are not already in the database.
  2. Open the Search Settings window in IntelliWebSearch.
  3. Select the resource you wish to contribute from the list.
  4. Choose Copy to clipboard from the Share menu.
  5. Paste the contents of your clipboard into the box on the right (place the cursor in the box, then choose Paste from your browser's Edit menu).
  6. Complete the information below (source language, target language, interface language and subject).
  7. Press the Submit button at the bottom of the form.
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Copyright ©2005-2024 Michael Farrell. All Rights Reserved.
Professional services pursuant to Italian Law No. 4 of 14 January 2013, published in Italian Official Gazette No. 22 of 26 January 2013
Ordinary member of the Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti - Membership No. 980062